Teatro Del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino - Scene objects
May 2023
3 weeks
(120 hours)
- A platonic Solid "Star" for a theatrical performance.
- 400mm diameter (visible from far)
- Installable on a pole

Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino is a Florentine cultural institution founded in 2001 that hosts various theatrical, musical and opera events.

Choice of the Platonic solid
Platonic Solid Star
Platonic solids are of different types. For the work to be represented is the regular dodecahedron that is, a solid figure composed of 12 pentagonal faces.

How is made?
By building on the twelve faces as many pyramids having for sides the extensions of the dodecahedron's edges, we obtain the famous twelve-pointed star.
*Image realized with DS Solidworks 2021

How to connect the joints
One of the project requirements was a size of 400 mm. However, the maximum volume that can be printed with the CREALITY CR10 printer is 300x300x300 mm, so it was necessary to split the solid into several parts. In order to realize the splitting of the solid figure, the optimal idea was to get small solids, thus quick and easy to make. Therefore, a regular dodecahedron and 12 pyramids with pentagonal bases were made. As an interlocking system between the components, a small step with a depth of 2mm added to the pyramid and subtracted from the dodecahedron has been realized. A two-tenths clearance was then left on the interlocks to allow interlocking without forcing.
*Image realized with DS Solidworks 2021

How to realize the connection to the pole
A part was made that serves both to lock the star making it a single body and to fit on the pole
*Image realized with DS Solidworks 2021

How to connect the joints
In this way the star can be used either singly or applied to a pole. Simply removing the block will be able to release the star.
*Image realized with DS Solidworks 2021

How to print it?
Several printing options were evaluated and the best one was chosen in terms of print quality, at the expense of time and amount of support material
*Image realized with Ultimaker Cura

*3D printer Creality CR10V3

The components were then cleaned by removing the media
*Image realized with Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

The components have all been painted
*Image realized with Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

The components have all been painted
*Image realized with Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Photographs from the scene
*ph. Michele Monasta

Photographs from the scene
*ph. Michele Monasta

Photographs from the scene
*ph. Michele Monasta

Photographs from the scene
*ph. Michele Monasta

Photographs from the scene
*ph. Michele Monasta